a bit about me:
In short, I obtained a bachelor’s degree in Physics from the University of Pisa, then a master’s in Astrophysics from the University "la Sapienza" of Rome, and lastly a PhD in mathematics at the University of Nottingham, with a thesis title "Strong-field phenomenology in alternative theories of gravitation", which is a good description of my research interests.
I chose to focus on gravity during my master in Rome, where I studied various aspects of this topic. Having a chance to work with Paolo Pani for my master’s thesis and starting my PhD with Thomas Sotiriou, launched me into the world of modified gravity. Modifying gravity means to take the current acknowledged theory which explains gravitational effects, Einstein's general relativity, and to change some of its features to see if it produces any observable effects. In detail, I focus on modelling black holes and neutron stars within these theories, as they are the most promising objects to carry these imprints.