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a bit about me:

I got my physics degree from the University of Oviedo, in the beautiful northern region of Asturias, Spain. Afterwards I got my MsC degree and PhD at the Instituto de Física Teórica UAM-CSIC, in Madrid, under the supervision of Prof. Enrique Álvarez. My thesis was devoted to the study of quantum physics in connection to the understanding of the accelerated expansion of the Universe.

Later, I moved to Switzerland to start a postdoc position at EPFL, Lausanne. I joined a small but very active group of researchers dedicated to the study of an interesting proposal for Quantum Gravity known as Hořava Gravity. This theory "corrects" the ill-behavior of Einstein's General Relativity at very high energies, reconciliating it with Quantum Mechanics, while at the same time providing a myriad of new interesting physical phenomena to study. During these years I also became interested on the problem of testing the consistency of our cosmological models used to describe the very early moments of our Universe.

In 2019, I moved to Trieste and joined SISSA as a postdoc researcher in the ERC group of Prof. Enrico Barausse. Here, I continue to study Hořava Gravity, as well as some related models, not only at the theoretical level but also with the prospect of being able to perform observations in the future with the help of new gravitational wave experiments.

Outside physics I'm a typical geek with interests in science-fiction, photography and music. I'm also an expert cook and I love to experiment with new recipes of all sorts!

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Scuola Internazionale Superiore

di Studi Avanzati (SISSA)

via Bonomea, 265, Trieste Italy

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