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SISSA Student Day 2025

Interview by Federica Sgorbissa on Listening to the Universe: Are gravitational waves changing astronomy?

Jam Sadiq - February 14, 2025

The Quest for Dark Gravity 

The ERC team Scientific Outreach Documentary - 2023

Astrobites blog article, on The Second Data Release from the European Pulsar Timing Array VI. Challenging the Ultralight Dark Matter Paradigm - October 25, 2023

TeleQuattro (timestamp beginning - minute 28:33)

Interview on the Recent Evidence for a Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background 

Clemente Smarra - July 4, 2023

Article on Enrico Barausse's work on Using EPTA Data to Test Dark Matter Paradigms and Massive Black Hole Population Models - June 29, 2023

Article about Enrico Barausse's work on Environmental Effects On Gravitational Waveforms - June 15, 2023

Various articles on Enrico Barausse's work on Binary Neutron Stars Beyond General Relativity - March 3, 2022 - March 5, 2022

TeleQuattro  (timestamp minute 34:50-end)

Alexandru Dima January 4, 2021 - Telequattro

Rai - Radio FVG - Radar  

Enrico Barausse December 22, 2020 - 11:30 


Scoperta di Dima della Sissa: «Buchi neri non tutti uguali»

Alexandru Dima December 15, 2020 - Il Piccolo 

Alcuni buchi neri hanno i capelli?

Alexandru Dima December 14, 2020 - Global Science

TV Koper Interview (timestamp minute 17:00-end)

Enrico Barausse December 13, 2020- TV Koper


Black holes can develop 'hair' when spinning quick sufficient in dramatic extension of Einstein's principle of gravity

Alexandru Dima December 10, 2020- EDITORIALS 360


Buchi neri, la ricrescita si vede

Alexandru Dima December 9, 2020- MEDIA INAF

Black holes can grow ‘hair’ when spinning fast enough in dramatic extension of Einstein’s theory of gravity

Alexandru Dima December 9, 2020- Russia Today


Research shows Black Holes can grow ‘hair’ when spinning

Alexandru Dima December 8, 2020 - About Manchester

Research shows Black Holes can grow ‘hair’ when spinning 

Alexandru Dima, Nicola Franchini December 8, 2020 -Mirage News

I buchi neri non sono tutti uguali, nuovo studio su Physical Review Letters

Alexandru Dima, Nicola Franchini, Enrico Barausse December 8, 2020 -Trieste Cafe

Le caratteristiche dei Buchi Neri (timestamp minute start-17:00)

Alexandru Dima December 2020- Podcast Co.Scienza 

Einstein aveva ragione? Dai buchi neri la risposta

Enrico Barausse June 21, 2020 /

La sfida per la cattura delle onde gravitazionali
Enrico Barausse March 17, 2020 - 09:30 / Il Piccolo


A. Kuntz, genral talk, Gravitational Waves, to students from KBE visiting SISSA, 24 April 2023,. 

E. Barausse, public lecture on Cosa sono i buchi neri? (What are black holes?) at Stazione di Topolò, Italy . A dialogue between science and narrative with Enrico Barausse (SISSA) and Giacomo Pedini (Mittelfest) July 3, 2022.

E. Barausse, Undergrad-level webinar on The sound of the Universe: detecting gravitational waves in space with LISA, for the  Pretam Kumar Das YouTube channelMarch 3, 2021.

S. H. Völkel,  Gravitationswellen und kompakte Objekte: Einsteins kosmisches Orchester. Arbeitskreis Astronomie, University Stuttgart, Germany, January 08, 2020.

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